Barnes & Noble

Sunday, January 15, 2012

That's what horror stories are made of...

Trestle Press releases the next chapter of Reprisal. In Sugar and Snails, little girls are made from sugar and spice. Little boys from puppy dog tails and slimy snails. Danny Lurton is an odd combination of sugar and snails. Maybe Danny could have been a TV game show host in a different life, but in this one, things turned out for the worst. Destined to spend the rest of his life a prisoner, Danny is visited by his child victims while waiting to board the bus.

For those that have been patient, there is one more convict next month. After that, hell is gonna break loose!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here we go again!

Chapter 6 of Reprisal, Sugar and Snails, will be released this week. My publisher, Trestle Press, is also starting another great sale this week. If you haven't started Reprisal yet, you can get all 6 volumes for the price of 3!

Starting today, Saturday January 14th through Sunday, January 22, 2012, Trestle Press will be having a BUY ONE TITLE GET ONE TITLE FREE SALE !!

All of our titles are part of this sale, all of our authors will be participating in it, and all you have to do is when you purchase one of our stories send us the proof of purchase and we will be happy to send you the title of your choice that is of equal value.

You can email us in one of three ways; send the proof of purchase by email to one of the following:

-the authors of the titles you purchased and get your free titles directly from them.

-Trestle Press:


We have a wealth of talented authors at Trestle Press and there are many great stories to discover and read. As the week goes on there will be a few surprises thrown into this sale, so please stay tuned to our website: or your favorite authors’ websites or blogs.

Feel free to follow us at our website for all the upcoming news and events surrounding all of the Trestle Press authors as they create more Best-Selling novels, novellas, short stories and series for you to follow and enjoy.

We hope that you will join us and our authors as we make our journey and try to blaze a new trail in this wide open world of publishing. Without you all is for naught; for everything we do, we do for you the reader!

Have fun and happy reading!!