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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

7 Questions for Mark Carver

Mark Carver is the author of The Age of Apollyon. Following the summary of his book, I hit him with seven questions to give you some insight into his work and life.

Summary: Notre-Dame Cathedral lies in ruins. The mangled corpses of the possessed are scattered in the shadows beneath the pulverized Gothic towers. This is the aftermath of the Manifestation....Satan has revealed himself to the world, which falls trembling at his feet. Religious genocide sweeps Europe and Asia, and the world's greatest fortresses of faith are smashed to the ground. The New World and Australia become safe havens for refugees fleeing Lucifer's wrath. Heaven remains silent. The followers of Christ cry out: Where is God? Patric Bourdon believes in himself. He claims to be a member of the Church of Satan, but in reality, it is his own hedonism that drives him. His zealous and pregnant fiancée waits patiently for him to "man up" and take responsibility for his impending family, but the lure of drugs and debauchery proves too strong....Until Patric receives a command that he cannot refuse. Tourec, his self-righteous half-brother, has begun a campaign of terrorism against the forces of darkness. The Church of Satan is paralyzed with fear as Tourec and his band of rogue assassins seek vengeance for the evils that Lucifer has wrought upon the earth, and Patric is commanded to seek out and neutralize his brother by any means necessary....Or his fiancée and unborn child shall perish.

A thrilling blend of action, horror, and tense family drama soaked in ultra-bleak Gothic atmosphere and saturated with somber religious iconography, THE AGE OF APOLLYON seeks not only to entertain, but also to illuminate the burning question of our time: why does God allow evil (and evil men) to rule the world? THE AGE OF APOLLYON blasts through the sanctuaries of the world's greatest cathedrals, from the majesty of the Vatican where the Voice of Satan sits upon the papal throne to the ruins of Paris where the darkest nightmares of blasphemous perversion are summoned. It is a sweeping story of vengeance, redemption, sacrifice, and sorrow that will plunge to the depths of mankind's depravity, but also offers hope for heaven's mercy. THE AGE OF APOLLYON will shock and thrill those who enter its world...and this is just the beginning....

And now for the interview:

Give us a brief introduction about yourself. I'm an American currently living in China with my wife and son. I teach English classes at a Chinese university. My interests include art, tattoos, heavy metal, cathedrals, a cold beer, and of course, reading and writing.

Tell us about your writing. What genre(s) do you specialize in? I've been writing stories of all kinds since I was a little kid, but I've always been drawn to sci-fi, action/adventure, and horror. I like to infuse all the elements that I enjoy reading into my own writing. I'm a sucker for intense dramatic atmosphere and melodrama, and I try to make my writing moody and engrossing. I also enjoying writing about characters that are unlikable and even repulsive. I see it as a challenge: to make readers loathe a character but still feel compelled to read about them.

Who are your favorite authors? I pretty much only read classics. I rarely pick up a book that is less than one hundred years old, though I do enjoy some modern authors. Anything from the Gothic, American Romantic, and Victorian eras suit me just fine, but I also enjoy intense psychological stories, regardless of genre or era. Lord of the Flies by William Golding is my favorite book.

What inspires you to write? I like writing what I would want to read. I get most of my inspiration from music and movies. I am a very visual writer and I try to replicate what I see in my mind through words. I listen to a lot of bombastic music like death and doom metal, and this helps put me in the mood to write. I love action movies that are explosive and over-the-top, so I seek to combine rip-roaring action with atmospheric creepiness. This is the direction that my writing is going now, but I'm sure my inspiration will change when I branch out into other genres.

Describe your writing process. The time of day doesn't matter, but I have to be alone, either at home or in my office. I usually listen to heavy metal music, and I like to drink beer or green tea. I find my best bursts of creativity happen after I've watched a TV program or movie.

Any upcoming projects?  The Age of Apollyon just came out this month, but I'm already 2/3rds finished with the sequel, called Black Sun. There will be a total of three books, and I expect to finish Black Sun early next year. I have a few ideas in my head that are just waiting to pop out, and I'm pretty good about keeping a steady writing rhythm, so I hope to crank out at least one book a year. You'll just have to wait and see.

Where can we find you and your books?

The Age of Apollyon on Amazon:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And now for something completely...

...unheard of?

This is something out there, even for me. At the same time, it delivers a valuable message.

What is it, you ask?

I say it is: Fields of Zombies - An Amish Parable

What happens when the Mental Master of the Macabre joins forces with the Leading Lady of Amish Fiction? They create a story that is part-parody and part-parable. It is an apocalyptic tale that exalts the Amish lifestyle as the only way to survive the end of the world. Going beyond the shock of zombies on an Amish farm, there is a deeper metaphor that examines the Non-Amish depedency on technology.
I invite people of faith to read this story with an open mind. You may discover an affirmation of your beliefs.
I invite Zombie fans to read this story with an open mind. While there is a strong spiritual message, you may find a uniquely fun undead story.
I had a distinct pleasure writing with Sarah Price. She is truly a professional and generous with her knowledge of the writing world. What we have tried to accomplish is to share a story of faith over a backdrop that allows us to deliver a stark, direct message. The whole thing was fun for me and I hope that you get the same out of it.
You can get the Kindle here -
And it will soon be available on Nook and Kobo.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Return of Ron

Ron Ungary is a man of routine. He typically does not have time to slow down and explain things to those around him that only use 10% of their brain. When his life is interrupted, anything can happen.

I have to say, I'm excited about the new cover. It reminds me of an old comic book or a 50's sci-fi poster. The thing about Ron's stories, they are not out-and-out horror. It can go a little dark, but much of it is campy fun, like pseudo-sci-fi.

You can grab the new story here -

It would be great if you could join me on my author page too -

For a bonus, anybody that simply "likes" my author page, I will throw in the first Ron Ungary Inconvenience - Theoretical Fishsticks.

Oh yes, Happy Halloween! My favorite time of the year.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Do I Give Myself the Creeps?

The answer is yes. Sometimes, I do give myself the creeps. Sometimes that even leads to nightmares.

I do like visiting that etheral dream world, such a fertile playground. Some of my favorite stories have come from my bad dreams.

But, I'm not a bad guy. In fact, I used to be a good little Catholic boy. Not sure where I detoured, probably somewhere around Tommy went to work on Jason with a machete (the first time).

Well, I'm thinking to change it up a bit.

My latest story, Viking Werewolves from Mars, is nice horror treat for Halloween. However, it is a PG-13 treat. My past stories have been Rated-R, or even pushing that. This time, I've dialed it back.

As I continue to re-invent myself, you may see a new side of me. I mentioned my upcoming series, Shadowstones. It is going to have vampires, werewolves and a few other nasties. It is going to have something else, faith. The hero of that story is a "man of the cloth" with some unique solutions for an infested world.

I'm not having a full-blown conversion. I do think it's time for my inner child to stop pulling the wings off butterflys for a while. I am going to let that good little Catholic boy out to play. Take a look at my life and see if I can't entice you with a different side of Sam.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Something on my Mind

      You know how you get when you haven’t had something in a while. You start thinking about it all the time. Wondering, how will I get that? When will I get that?

That thing becomes an obsession.

I want it. No, I need it.

Luckily for authors, when we want something, all we have to do is write about it. Once the words are on the page, they are as good as real to us. That desire is fulfilled. We have gotten that thing we needed.

I wonder where my mind was at when I wrote A Vampire’s Guide to Sex: The Next Lesson?

The Next Lesson is my new story available now through all the usual suspects (Kindle, Nook, etc). It is a story of the human and vampiric drive for sex. That drive dominates so many of our lives. Why would it not dominate our death?

The first Vampire’s Guide explored a newly turned vamp’s quest to lose his virginity. In The Next Lesson, a young girl, enchanted by the glittering, handsome vamps of today’s deluded pop culture, learns some lessons of her own. Her life’s goal is to marry one of them, or at least bed one. There is plenty of steamy girl-on-vamp action, with a sprinkling of humor and a splash of blood.

If The Next Lesson leaves you feeling satisfied, and I think it will, please stop by my author page for a little cuddling and you can tell me you like me.

Please purchase A Vampire’s Guide to Sex here
And A Vampire’s Guide to Sex: The Next Lesson here

Sunday, September 2, 2012

More S3X is better than no S3X

About a year ago, I put out a little story called A Vampire's Guide to Sex. It was my little poke at genre writing. I had my fill of those books/movies whose title references the setting sun. When I learned that the pop phenomena had glittering vampires, I could feel the heat of Bram Stoker spinning in his grave half way around the world.

I had one question, that I'm sure many others had...How does a vampire, with no blood flowing through his veins, function in the baby-making department?

Vampires are sexy. They can be arousing and tempting. Who has not thought, at least once, that it might be fun to be one?

That is the basis of my Vampire's Guide. It is not so much an actual instruction book, but gives us a glimpse at the difficulties of adjusting to an alternative lifestyle.

I thought that it was a single story in me that needed to escape. Here I am, almost a year later holding a new story engorged with fangs and titilation. A Vampire's Guide to Sex: The Next Lesson introduces some new characters (if you read the first story, you'd know why). This story addresses the problems faced by teenage girls that have been misled by current trends in vamp fiction. What happens when a confused 18 year-old grows up in search of her one true love, a vampire?

She will learn that it's not all glitz and giggles.

The Next Lesson will be available quite soon.

Why not start at the beginning for a mere $0.99 by clicking here:

Or, one better, for anybody that "likes" my new author page ( between now and release date of The Next Lesson, I will send the first story to you with my compliments.

Friday, August 31, 2012

I have a visitor: JT Lewis

     JT: Hello! This is JT Lewis coming to you from beautiful Southeast Indiana!

(Crickets chirping)



Ok….I know you all came here for my interview with Gabriel Celtic, but I just found out he has been called out of town on a big case. My ex assistant has just told me that Gabriel would try to call in from his current location…if he can!


Ok…ok! (sigh)…ok…actually this is very in character for Gabriel Celtic, who stays on a case like a bloodhound until he…um…solves the case! I believe we have him on the phone!

Gabriel!....Can you hear me? Oh, wait…since you are on a police matter…Can you read me?

(Crickets chirping)

Gabriel: “Who is this?”

JT: Hey! This is JT old buddy!

Gabriel: …JT?...JT who?

JT:...JT?…JT Lewis?…your writer?

Gabriel: (Silence)

Gabriel: Ohh…JT…my ghost writer!

JT: (Silence)

JT: Oh…(ahem) (blush) …ummm…yeah

 Gabriel: How ya doing JT…listen…this must be some kind of mix-up…I thought I was calling Lenny’s for some Stromboli’s…I’m not sure how I got your number mixed up with Lenny’s…I better go and call the right number, we’re starving over here…nice talking to you JT!
       JT: Wait! say something JT?

JT: Um…you were supposed to be doing an interview with me today…for your fans?

Gabriel: (Silence)

Gabriel: Reeaaallyy….Abby! You know anything about an interview?

Gabriel: (Muffled conversation in the background)…with JT?...( muffled expletives in the background)…are you kidding me? (muffled cussing in the background)

Gabriel: (Silence)

Gabriel: Ok JT…I guess it was actually Abby that agreed that I would do the interview…but in her defense…she didn’t know this big case would come up…so…can we put this off?

JT: umm…(blush)…(whispers) Gabe…everybody is here, waiting to hear from you…

Gabe: JT!...I told you never to call me Gabe!

JT: But…but…

Gabriel: Here’s Abby…


Abby: Hello?

JT: (blushing) Hi Abby…JT here…I guess you have been elected to fill us in on Gabe’s…er…Gabriel’s exploits for the interview…

Abby: JT?...He.rrow…you wan me in.tro.vru? 

JT: Abby? What’s with the Vietnamese accent? You don’t have a Vietnamese accent!

Abby: You no rike? You trub-oh too much, I not rike sis

 JT:....ummm…I wrote that line…what is this?

 Abby: I gro now…okray?…big Stromb…I mean….brig crew on crase…many many crews…no one can knowing diss one………………………………..cya!


JT: big clue on case?...what clue? What? (mumbling from ex assistant in background)…What? She hung up!?!?!?

 JT: (mumbled expletives and cursing)

JT: (Silence…whimpering?)

JT: (Throws phone across the studio)

JT: Bleep this! If he thinks he can bleeping get another bleeping ghost bleeping writer like bleepin me he can just bleep my bleeping rosy bleep and bleeping stick it where the bleeping sun don’t shine!

JT: BLEEP!!!!!!!

(door slams shut!)

Ex Assistant: hello?

(crickets chirping)   

 You can find and follow JT Lewis at the following links:


Monday, August 20, 2012

I have a visitor: LW Rondeau

The words written here are those of my guest, award-winning author L. W. Rondeau.....

What is Dystopian Literature?
When I set out to write the America II trilogy, I wasn’t thinking in terms of a genre, especially not a genre within a genre. Sic-fi-speculative-futuristic-political-thriller-dystopian and all those labels were something I hadn’t anticipated. I merely entertained the idea: If societal trends that exist today continue full speed ahead, what would the world look like in 2073?
Then someone reviewed my book and called it dystopian. Someone else said it reminded them a little of Hunger Games, a book I hadn’t even read. I’ve heard other writers refer to their book in the same manner. So I did some research, and sure enough, America II falls within the definition of Dystopian Literature, although, it really is vastly different than Hunger Games, though it does contain some of the elements commonly seen in Dystopian books.
With the onset of the wildly popular The Hunger Games, dystopian literature is now the fastest growing preference in young adult fiction. Some experts argue the reason is because today’s young people are disaffected with today’s culture. They see little hope on the horizon.
Such was the climate of George Orwell’s 1984, written in 1948, a poignant story of a totalitarian government, a few years following the end of World War II. People were frightened of the growth of communism as well as the advent of the Atomic bomb. Hysteria and fear were rampant. World War II vets, returning from their service, could not get jobs.
C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, written post World War II, also explores this loss of hope in the world as it is an allegory of the fall of mankind. Narnia was once Utopia (The Garden of Eden) but became Dystopia, ruled by an evil Snow Queen.
With a stagnant economy, housing crunch, and wide unemployment, not just in America but world-wide, I wonder if we have not grown into another aura of paranoia regarding our future.  Hence, the resurgent popularity of Dystopian topics.
Dystopia is derived from the Ancient Greek and means a bad place. By definition, Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia which is a derivative of the Greek word meaning place and sounds like the English homophone (eutopia) which is derived from the Greek to mean good or well. In combination then, Utopia, has come to mean a good place. Utopia is often thought of as Heaven on earth, paradise today, where the world lives in peace and no one dies of hunger. Where there is no such thing as crime. In the classic, The Time Machine, a scientist creeps into the future to see if the world can cure its ills. He stumbles upon a seeming Utopia until he realizes human beings are being raised as food for underground monsters.
According to Wikipedia, Dystopian literature has these in common: idea of a society, generally of a speculative future, characterized by negative, anti-utopian elements, varying from environmental to political and social issues.
Most Dystopian themes will characterize society as oppressive or totalitarian. While the world seems dark and unappealing to the reader, the minor characters or society sees nothing wrong with the way things are. There is generally a character or characters that is dissatisfied and wants things to change. Therein is the conflict, the character pitted against society, like Don Quixote, flailing his sword at windmills.
Other classic dystopian literature includes: Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and The Iron Heel.
Unlike most Dystopian themes, and more like Chronicles of Narnia, America II: The Reformation offers hope for an improved society. It also reminds the reader of God’s continued interest and involvement in the affairs of His creation.

SYNOPSIS and Back Cover blurb
Following unprecedented climatic changes, resultant pestilence and war brought the world into chaos. Eventually, each nation surrendered its sovereignty to form a global democracy, initially known as The Accord. However, the democratic government proved too weak and was soon replaced by a faux democratic rule. 
The year is 2073, and current governor of Western America Province, Edwin Rowlands, is poised to become the Constitutional Government’s second president. Many fear that the sweeping reforms found in his proposed Preservation Act will set him up as a dictator. If enacted, defection both past and present would become a crime punishable by death, thus bringing all outlands into crushing subjection.
While most believe reform is critical, factions disagree on how to prevent the Preservation Act from becoming law. Ahmed Farid, second President, believes reform can be managed within the existing government. Leader of the Revolutionary Army, Jimmy Kinnear, trusts only in military intervention. However, Jacob Goodayle, Chairman of Western America’s illegal outland government, favors separatism.
As tensions rise, civil war seems imminent. Who will be the voice of reason in a world on the verge of a third dark age?
A native of Central New York, Linda Rondeau met and married Steve Rondeau, her best friend in life, and managed a career in human services before tackling professional writing. After thirty-four years of marriage, they have relocated to Jacksonville, Florida, leaving rural America to live in a city of one million.
While writing is her greatest passion, the more favorable temperatures of Florida allow her to follow another great passion--golf.

Linda is the wife of one patient man, the mother of three, and the grandmother of nine.
An award winning author, L.W. Rondeau first book, The Other Side of Darkness (written under Linda Wood Rondeau), released Fall 2012, and won the 2012 Selah Award for best first novel. America II: The Reformation is L.W.’s debut sci-fi book and is the first of a futuristic, political thriller trilogy. A prequel is planned in the form of serial editions.

America II: TheReformation is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
You can reach L.W. through Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Linked In. Soon to be on PInterest. 
Or visit L.W.’s website:
            This Daily Grind

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Like what you see?

I wake up, at no particular set time, and make my way to the bathroom for the morning (or maybe early afternoon) duties.

I look in the mirror, steamed over from a skin-reddening hot shower. Like any of us, I sometimes ask, "Do I like what I see?"

"Sure." The answer is usually, "Sure, I'm fine with that." Most of the time, the thoughts do not travel much beyond that point.

Today, they did. Today, the wet smear of my handprint revealed a face I did not recognize in that dubious mirror. I followed the lure of my dark pupils like Alice down her rabbit hole.

Inside, I meet zombies, vampires, walking through dark spaces, stepping in who knows what, but it is sticky and smells horrible. I see my friend Ron (he's kind of annoying, but takes it in stride).

Today, I really like what I see. I have been working on redesigning my image. Little things here and there.

I changed up my blog.

I have a new author page: The old Facebook pages will be going away soon.

I have some excellent new covers:

I am working on a new story, but more on that later. I am taking my time these days. I have mentioned several times lately that I am working to finish Severed. Then we will have another visit with Ron Ungary. After that, something new. Something interesting.

What about you? Do you like what you see?

Friday, May 11, 2012

When do you get to Reprisal?

Can't help but feel a little melancholy. The final chapter of Reprisal is now available. It has been a long ride. The confrontation between Eddie and the Shadow is at hand. After this, I am going to take a break. I need to get some perspective, but then I will be back with Severed and some other surprises.

Trestle Press presents Sam Lang’s Reprisal, a digital short story series.
Reprisal is a dying town built on secrets and haunted by a mysterious shadow since its beginnings.
Eddie Newport must survive one night in this town with his oldest friend as a bus full of escaped murderers breaks down on Main Street.
Eddie and the Chief had a meeting with the Mayor. Five murderers boarded a bus for a routine transfer. The town is empty, everyone went to the Holidome for a weekend getaway.
The town is empty, except for the Shadow.
In the final chapter of Reprisal, what should have been a simple, uneventful weekend has turned into chaos. The body count is escalating and Eddie has nowhere to hide.
Eddie, Arizona, the Chief, the convicts and the Shadow are about to collide at the Intersection of Atonement.

Get it today for $0.99 -

Monday, April 2, 2012

Get on the Bus

Do you know when you get to Reprisal?

Better hurry because the bus is heading out. A short jaunt down the highway and some unsuspecting prisoners will be in Reprisal. Someone, or something, is waiting for them. Mix into that, the story of two women. Both in love. Both with very different ideas of what love is.

What's that up ahead? A sign reads, "Welcome to Reprisal. Population: Dwindling."

Reprisal is a dying town built on secrets and haunted by a mysterious shadow since its beginnings.

Eddie Newport must survive one night in this town with his oldest friend as a bus full of escaped murderes breaks down on Main Street.

Vengeance is on this bus. The prison transport leaves the dark history of the prison behind with a surprise. There is a substitute guard on board. No one called about the last minute change, but that doesn't stop the bus from heading down the highway.

In a very short time, they cross the town limit of Reprisal. Then the Shadow begins its work. Things are complicated when Eddie unexpectedly meets Arizona, the girl he stood up at his high school prom.

Reprisal, Chapter Eight: Vengeance Rides the Bus - available now from Trestle Press for $0.99 -

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Come have a taste...

Trestle Press once agains provides an opportunity for you to get your hooks in to some great stories.

"Starting Saturday March 10 and running through March 17th Trestle Press and its authors will be having a Buy One Get One Free Sale. All of our titles are included in the sale. All you have to do to get your free story is email us at and send us the proof of purchase from either Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Noble Nook and we will be happy to send you the free story of your choice of equal or lesser value. Straight up fun so why not fill those hungry e-readers with any of our Best-Selling titles or maybe find a new author to follow. Above all enjoy yourself! Thank you for supporting our authors and their hard work!"

Take a chance surviving the zombies of Severed (part 3 of 12 now available) or come visit the ill-fated town of Reprisal (only 2 chapters left). Don't stop with my stories, all Trestle Press titles are part of the sale.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gotta Have Faith

Volume 3 of Severed takes a look at what might become of some religions after the end of the world.

It is about sacrifice, willingness to believe and cowardly hypocrisy. Zac continues his search for Liz on the hurricane-battered streets of Miami.

For those of you wondering, this is volume 3 of a planned 12-part story. There is a lot in store for our friend Zac as he moves along his path to manhood. Oh, and there will be plenty of zombie fun!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

College Life

Dixon Lampier is the subject of the seventh installment of Reprisal. He goes to college, but not as a student in A Mind of My Own.

This is the last of the chapters featuring the backstories of the inmates. Then there are only two chapters left.

Synopsis: To have the mind of a child in the body of a massive killing machine is an unfortunate combination. Dixon Lampier wanted to be gentle. He wanted his kitty. He wanted to play in the snow. Complicated words cannot make it through the haze that is his mind. To him a gentle touch is the same as a crushing blow. The time has come for the convicts to board the bus and Dixon is the last one in line. The transfer is about to begin.

All I have to say now is "Do you know when you get to Reprisal?"

Follow Reprisal on Facebook:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

That's what horror stories are made of...

Trestle Press releases the next chapter of Reprisal. In Sugar and Snails, little girls are made from sugar and spice. Little boys from puppy dog tails and slimy snails. Danny Lurton is an odd combination of sugar and snails. Maybe Danny could have been a TV game show host in a different life, but in this one, things turned out for the worst. Destined to spend the rest of his life a prisoner, Danny is visited by his child victims while waiting to board the bus.

For those that have been patient, there is one more convict next month. After that, hell is gonna break loose!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here we go again!

Chapter 6 of Reprisal, Sugar and Snails, will be released this week. My publisher, Trestle Press, is also starting another great sale this week. If you haven't started Reprisal yet, you can get all 6 volumes for the price of 3!

Starting today, Saturday January 14th through Sunday, January 22, 2012, Trestle Press will be having a BUY ONE TITLE GET ONE TITLE FREE SALE !!

All of our titles are part of this sale, all of our authors will be participating in it, and all you have to do is when you purchase one of our stories send us the proof of purchase and we will be happy to send you the title of your choice that is of equal value.

You can email us in one of three ways; send the proof of purchase by email to one of the following:

-the authors of the titles you purchased and get your free titles directly from them.

-Trestle Press:


We have a wealth of talented authors at Trestle Press and there are many great stories to discover and read. As the week goes on there will be a few surprises thrown into this sale, so please stay tuned to our website: or your favorite authors’ websites or blogs.

Feel free to follow us at our website for all the upcoming news and events surrounding all of the Trestle Press authors as they create more Best-Selling novels, novellas, short stories and series for you to follow and enjoy.

We hope that you will join us and our authors as we make our journey and try to blaze a new trail in this wide open world of publishing. Without you all is for naught; for everything we do, we do for you the reader!

Have fun and happy reading!!