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Monday, December 19, 2011

BOGO Holiday Special

THIS JUST IN: Buy any Trestle Press title between now and December 24th and get another one of equal value FREE! Just send us, or any of our authors, your proof of purchase from Amazon Kindle or Barnes &Noble Nook and tell us what other title you would like and it is yours. Email us at

 Feed those hungry ereaders!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Your Prescription is Ready

Oh, and the doctor will see you now. The lastest installment of Reprisal is available now from Trestle Press.

Here you have a doctor. This doctor has a problem. This doctor doesn't heal people, he kills them. And thus, we meet convict #3.

With a dark and moody backstory, this may be my favorite convict. I say favorite, but that doesn't mean likeable. As an adult, it is clear that this convict is truly evil.Then when you see him as a young boy, you might think twice.

I enjoyed writing this chapter. I called on some Dickensian influences. You'll see what I mean. There is also an Easter Egg in this chapter for Jack the Ripper fans. Send me a message or leave a comment if you find it.

After the doctor, we only have two more convicts. The shadow is coming.

Do you know when you get to Reprisal?